The dog returned from a walk with a koala cub. The owners did not expect such a surprise.

Kerry McKinnon, a resident of Australia, shared an incredible story that happened to her golden retriever named Asha. One morning, her husband called Kerry and asked her to come to veranda, where she saw their dog sitting next to a small koala timidly pressed against her.
Asha was confused and had a guilty look, but did not let go the little animal. Apparently, she was afraid of the reaction of her owners and did not know whether she would be scolded or praised. Kerry was proud of her pet, because she saved the poor animal from death. Most likely, the koala got lost and wandered around the site in search of her mom, but found Asha instead. If not the dog, the baby would not have survived the cold night.
The little guest was also frightened and did not want to leave her savior, but after a while allowed to be wrapped in a blanket.
The owners were very proud of their pet, and the little koala was given into the hands of professionals who will take care of it further. After she grows up a bit, she will be released into the wild, where, perhaps, she will meet her mother again.