The dog looked so bad that he was mistaken for a werewolf. Six months later, he turned into a gorgeous German Shepherd

The dog looked so bad that he was mistaken for a werewolf. Six months later, he turned into a gorgeous German Shepherd

 The dog looked so bad that he was mistaken for a werewolf. Six months later, he turned into a gorgeous German Shepherd

A poor dog was founded in Califormia and hia condition was so deplorable, and his appearance was so frightening that people were simply afraid to approach him considering he was a werewolf.

But he really needed attention: half-bald, hungry, sick — one cannot do without human help. But things ended well, and the dog was saved. Now after six months this handsome man is simply impossible to recognize!

A local resident posted his photo on social networks and Megan Bowie, founder of Bowe’s Adoptable Rescue Pups, immediately responded to it.

The woman could not help her tears: the dog was close to death and could no longer get up. She took the miserable creature to vet. She named her King.

The list of his illnesses was depressing: a broken tail, a broken pelvis, fleas, scabies.

His numerous fractures witnessed abiut the fact that most likely, he was hit by a car. In addition, his tail began to grow together incorrectly. A broken pelvis made it difficult for him to move around to find food and water, and the dog became dehydrated.

The scabies was contagious, so King lived in a garage to avoid contact with other shelter dogs. Megan fed him small portions so that the dog would gradually gain weight and strength to cope with the upcoming operations.

After several months of treatment, the dog was able to walk again. His hair has grown gradually.

A few months later King was ready for someone to pick him up. And Tiana Bisbee with her family adopted him. They already had 3 pets and were afraid that the dog might be afraid of his relatives, but everything went well.

It took him about a month to get comfortable and learn everything.

This guy has passed through a lot, but the main thing is that now he is happy and protected.

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