The dog finally felt the happiness of freedom after he was chained for a long time

The dog finally felt the happiness of freedom after he was chained for a long time

 The dog finally felt the happiness of freedom after he was chained for a long time

If you love dogs you should know that it is vital for dogs to run around and play freely.
But unluckily the German Shepard named Herschel didn’t deserve such a happy and joyful life. His owner mistreated him and he was clung to a pole.
Soon he appeared in a shelter and was rescued.

Shortly after that he was adopted by new owner. But it became clear that the dog was full of energy and fun and it was perceived as an aggression by masters.
Eventually the dog was handed to Micelson Found Animals where was looked carefully about and taken the medication he needed.

Within the program, the team members rewarded him a funny and exciting day.

The trip began with a few hours of play in the mountain snow. As you can imagine, it was really a joy and pleasure for Herschel. Herschel was finally free to wander, run and appreciate tie moments that he had failed to experience before.

But the most enjoyable was later. They would next stop on the beach. And dog’s reaction when first sees the ocean is indescribable. He just couldn’t help himself.

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