The dog did not leave the house for 7 years and was overgrown with tangles. But good hands found the pet

The dog did not leave the house for 7 years and was overgrown with tangles. But good hands found the pet

 The dog did not leave the house for 7 years and was overgrown with tangles. But good hands found the pet

The dog Tylo from Australia was brought to the Brightside Farm Sanctuary, and it was difficult to recognize him. The dog was covered in mats, he was scared and aggressive. Animal rights activist Emma Haswell said that the dog had not been on the street for 7 years, and only saw the backyard through a window. In the end, the owners handed him over to a shelter, and animal rights activists decided to give the animal a chance and save it.

For 7 years Tylo did not leave the house

It was all overgrown and covered with mats

First of all he needed to be cut, but Tylo was aggressive, he growled and bite

So the veterinarians had to give him anesthesia

They put off the terrible tangles, and found under them a cute dog

Tylo was neutered, microchipped and vaccinated.

To keep the dog from freezing, Emma gave him a jacket

The next step was to try to overcome his fear and aggression

Tylo was making progress! Emma said that Tylo, although he growled, did not try to bite her.

He even communicated with other dogs from the shelter.

We hope that the cutie will only get better, and will find a new loving family.

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