The Dog Chose The Cat As His Best Friend

The Dog Chose The Cat As His Best Friend

 The Dog Chose The Cat As His Best Friend

There is a widespread belief in the world that dogs and cats are archenemies, but there are many facts to prove the opposite, moreover, cats and dogs can be best friends and have the warmest friendship, be united and devoted!

The touching friendship of the Dog Raven and the  Cat Woodhouse is clear evidence. Their love is already known to the whole world. They like to do everything together, spend time, play, eat and just have fun.

The story of their acquaintance is simply unbelievable! Raven felt a little bit lonely and there was no one with whom he could play with and climb.  One day owners decided to take him to a shelter to find a new friend for him.


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“I have dreamed since I was a child that dogs and cats grow up together ” Raven’s mom, Christina told. “I wanted her to meet the cat, so they could get closer to each other”.

Raven inseparable since that day. “I believe in this friendship and they will be always together. Their warmth will make everyone’s heart melt,” Christina said.

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