The dog can’t believe it’s been 200 days, but her father found her

In the spring, the Washington County Animal Shelter received a report that a stray dog named Blue came to someone else’s house in search of shelter. The dog was quickly picked up by an animal control officer and taken to a shelter.
It is unknown how long Blue lived on the street, but the abandoned dog seemed to love everyone he met.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the shelter was forced to close its doors to visitors and visit them only by appointment. Since there were fewer visitors, Blue waited in his kennel for months, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
To introduce Blue to potential foster parents, the shelter shared a video of Blue playing with her favorite toy. A few minutes later, the video was accompanied by the comment: «This is my dog.»
Six months earlier, Blue had disappeared from his home in Tennessee. His father spent several hours looking for him, but was eventually forced to move to Texas for work. Until a friend saw Blue’s video on Facebook, he no longer hoped to see his dog again.
Blue’s favorite toy at the shelter was a blue squeaky ball, and in the video he played with this ball, so it remains to be seen whether the man calling himself Blue’s owner was telling the truth. When we talked to the owner, he confirmed that he has photos of his dog.»
Blue’s father drove 1,200 miles to pick up his boy, and the reunion was as big as they could have hoped for.
«It was pretty obvious that the dog was attached to this person,» Davis says. «Blue was shocked for a split second: «Can I believe my eyes?» and then it was just instant kisses, and the man was crying, it was great.»
You can watch this heartfelt reunion here: