The disabled dog, cared by prisoners, finally found his forever home

There is a fine program for prison inmates, called «Gwinnett County Jail Dogs», which allows them to show themselves in training dogs for being adopted later. A cute canine named Bandit participated in that useful project and had a great experience with the prisoners who took care of him. But the sweet dog was paralyzed and had serious problems with moving. Due to a wheelchair he and the huge efforts of his caretakers he could overcome the disturbing obstacles. The kind people did their best to make Bantit feel comfortable and independent. Due to their huge work he fought against all the difficulties like a hero.
The inmates considered him to be the smartest and kindest animal ever. They witnessed his struggle and wanted the best for him. As the poor dog was constantly adopted and then brought back it was painful for them to see him in that desperate state. No one wanted to take a responsibility to tale care of him so after keeping him for a little they would take him back again. But the prisoners were sure that a desereved family would appear to take him and look after him with great love and devotion.
And so it happened rightly as they imagined. The program organizers reported that the sweet dog was adopted by a caring amn who was also disabled who suffers from the same problem. It was like they were born for each other. So the touching story had a happy end.