The devoted dog waited for his owners after the huge fire

The devoted dog waited for his owners after the huge fire

 The devoted dog waited for his owners after the huge fire

The devastating wildfire called Camp Fire destroyed Paradise, a town in California. It killed also 84people. The others living there had no way but to leave their places as soon as possible.

One of the residents of the area Andrea Gaylord ran away from the burning spase leaving her sweet dog Madison there.

She was so sorrowful that she couldn’t take her best one with her. But the woman was sure that her brave dog would survive there.

After some months when everything ended Andrea returned her house. And what a shock! Madison was sitting on the ground in front of the house and was waiting patiently for his owners.

The loyal dog was so happy to see his mom. It was an emotional moment for the two. Imagine how faithful was the animal and how difficult it was for him to survive and wait for his woman.

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