The devoted cat spent a year beside her owners grave

The devoted cat spent a year beside her owners grave

 The devoted cat spent a year beside her owners grave

Here is a heartbreaking story about a sweet kitten who was dedicated to her owner so much that didn’t want to leave her even after her death.

She was spending the time lying on her grave for a year and never went anywhere far from it.

A passer-by tried to adopt her but all in vain. The next day poor creature returned to her lovely place embracing with her owner’s tomb. An extremely heartbreaking scene!

The sweet feline constantly walks to her former mistress’s house where her children feed her and then comes back to the grave. Though the passing people give her food and water she refuses to leave the place and sleep there every night.

This is really unbelievable! How can the cat be so devoted and faithful to her human friend! We hope she will soon get relieved and find new family.

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