The curious bear wanted to enter the woman's house smelling brownies baking

The curious bear wanted to enter the woman’s house smelling brownies baking

 The curious bear wanted to enter the woman’s house smelling  brownies baking

One nice day the elderly woman was baking brownies in her house in Avon Connecticut when she suddenly noticed an unexpected guest in front of her kitchen door.

What a shock! It was a huge bear who wanted to enter the house as he smelled the pleasurable aroma. He tried to open the back door so the woman was extremely afraid. She instantly called her neighbor.

The neighbor stated that the big animal tried to open the door entering the kitchen first. Then went to the other side to open the door to the living-room. He called the police learning that he couldn’t do anything.

The enormous beast wasn’t scared of the noise or screaming. He was attached but it was evident that he had no harmful conduct. He simply wanted to eat some brownies.

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