The courageous dog saved his owner’s life despite the fact that he injured himself

Dogs are the best friends of humans, and this is unquestionable fact. They can risk their life to save their owner. This story is a vivid example of that.
A Reddit user posted his life experience about his lovely dog which touched everyone. The man was reparing something in the house where he was alone with his sweet pet. And suddenly he fell down the stair and lost his awareness. So who else could rush for help but his loyal pit bull Ham who felt that something was wrong with his owner and instantly came to him.
Ham grabbed the man’s shirt and began to drag him. And when the man moaned he started to bark loudly as for asking help from neighbors. They called the ambulance and took the man to the hospital.
The poor dog got a deep injury during the time he was pulling his owner but he didn’t pay attention to it and continued his mission. So he got a serious wound on his paw.
The man also had a leg injury and open skull hurts and it was amazing for the doctors how he could survive. However now his condition is improving slowly and the dog is being healed as well.
The man is really grateful to his devoted pet for saving his life. He is truely a hero!