The «clinging cat» gets a new baby brother to help with separation anxiety

When Tyler brought the Himalayan kitten, he was not sure he could get another cat, and the cat immediately began to love his new father. Himalayan cats are generally very calm and obedient.
But Tibbs was completely different, he slapped his father when he wanted to make it clear that he was in charge. The kitten ran around the house all day, mixing things.
Tyler realized that being a father was hard work, he considered that his first cat, Toulouse, could raise a little kitten.
Even he was not sure what the little cat was. Tibbs was continually trying to jump on Toulouse. He never wanted to leave his older brother. Toulouse, on the other hand, was very sticky as a cat.
He was offended when his father left him alone. He always wanted to be with his loved ones. Tyler felt that his pet cat may experience separation anxiety and suffer from it.
This was the goal of keeping a second cat. He knew Toulouse wanted someone to be with him all day. Tyler’s pets soon adapted to each other. Each time Toulouse smelled Tibes, he began to cleanse him.
Tibbs has already grown up and can play with Toulouse, the two cats seem to have become two close brothers, Tibbs has helped Toulouse a lot in the anxiety of his separation. Tyler was very happy to have two beloved cats.