The cat who loves walking returned one day with an unusual note from a neighbor

8 years ago, Emily Crane took a kitten named Rex from the shelter. Rex grew up to be a very affectionate cat; he was gladly sought contact with them on any occasion.
«He loves attention to his person. Especially when they scratch him behind the ear,» says Emily.
Emily tried to keep Rex at home, but then she started letting him out for walks a little bit. First she let him out into the yard, and then she gave him more freedom.
During his walks, Rex started visiting her neighbors, and they were happy to have such a friendly cat. But one day Emily discovered that Rex had taken his friendliness to a new level.
One day the cat returned from his usual walk with a small note attached to his collar. When Emily saw it and opened it, it said the following:
«Hello, this is your neighbor from the red house. We just wanted to let you know that Rex is having a strange affair with our bathroom. He sneaked into our house, got into the tub and sat there! We don’t mind it because we love Rex very much. We just want you to know if you’re wondering where he’s disappearing to, he’s probably sitting in our bathtub.»
According to Emily, she could hardly keep from laughing when she read the note. In response, she wrote a note to her neighbors thanking them for their hospitality and attached it to Rex’s collar.
Emily is delighted that her cat is friendly, and is proud that he can live in a society where everyone responds with love to his love.