Susan Sarandon, 78 anni, criticata per il suo outfit: la sua risposta perfetta!
The caring people let the poor dog to cool off in the store on a hot summer day

There are many stray animals that are struggling to find some food or a shelter to be protected from any dangerous case. One of these can be the weather. And while it is common among people to help the poor creature in bad or cold weather there can also be the opposite. Our four-legged friends also are sensitive to the extreme heat.
The sweet dog appeared in such a situation. It was 104°F on that day in Mexico. And the poor animal was really in a terrible state. He was looking somewhere to chill and to have a rest. So the kind workers of a store relized his thought and opened the doors to let him in.
The poor dog seemed to be very happy by their pitiful act. He looked so comforted and peaceful. He lied down the floor and felt cool and rested. He even took a nap there.
The workers’ kind did was really appreciative and delightful. They even gave the nice creature some food and sweets. The dog felt their love and devotion and was grateful to them.