The caring man warmed the poor dog by putting his shirt on him

Here is an adorable act that can seem a trifle for many people but it is really important and valuable in fact, especially for this poor dog.
Gabriel and his brother Felipe wanted to board the metro in Brazil. And when Felipe went to buy tickets he noticed a weak and miserable dog sitting there and shivering from cold. It was really freezimg that day and the helpless animal had nothing to do for being protected and warm.
While Gabriel was watching the poor creature and thinking how he could help him, Felipe rushed to him and started to act on the spot. He removed his shirt and put in on the sweet dog who truely needed it. It was so touching and moving for everyone.
Felipe didn’t even care about the reaction of people, he did it for his mercy and compassion. But his brother made an incredible video showing all the heartwarming scene and it gained a huge popularity. Everyone praised and appreciated his kind did.
Some times later, when they were returning from their trip, they were looking for the dog to take him to their home but he was no longer there. Maybe he had walked away a little bit warmer and thankful to the good-natured man for his such a helping act.