The british woman found an abandoned box with two live surprises near her house

A British woman saw a cardboard box near her house one morning. Someone specifically put it right with the front door. But inside there were not kittens or puppies at all, but something much more unexpected.
When the woman still opened the box out of curiosity, she saw two grown-up ducklings sitting inside. They looked healthy, but were a little scared. One was slightly larger than the other.
The woman did not expect to see abandoned ducklings (not even clearly wild or domestic) in a box near her house and had no idea who could throw her ducklings. In shock, she called the Royal Society for the Protection of Animals (RSPCA).
Officer Sophie Jones came to the call the same day and she was also surprised at the sight of ducklings.
«I think it’s Hucky Campbell duck chicks and they are about 3 weeks old. They are still very small and they have fluff instead of feathers. Therefore, they can’t live on their own yet, they need to be taken care of.»
Sophie took the ducklings to the vet, who said that the ducklings were completely healthy, and then Sophie came up with names for the ducklings, calling them Thelma and Louise. Now ducklings are placed in an animal shelter, where they will be kept until they become adults. Then they will probably be released to some pond.
Sophie believes that the ducklings were at someone’s house as pets, as there were no farms in the area, but this man failed to cope with all the hassle of caring for them and decided to throw them to another house.
«Little ducklings are very cute and fluffy, but they grow quickly and become completely uncontrollable if you keep them in a city apartment. You can’t accustom them to the toilet like a cat and someone is probably just tired of cleaning up after them and he decided to throw the burden of responsibility on other people.»
RSPCA officers once again warn people that animals are not a toy and if people want to keep them at home, they need to fully appreciate whether they will be able to take care of pets properly.