The beautiful cat did not have an owner because of the original paws

The beautiful cat did not have an owner because of the original paws

 The beautiful cat did not have an owner because of the original paws

We must never be afraid of disabled animals. Even in their special circumstances, they continue to love and care for us.
Some people can not spend that much time with animals with health problems, but many just want to have healthy pets. What to do with those who have disabilities?

A woman came to a shelter where homeless pets were waiting for people to adopt them. There she noticed a kitten, which appeared in the shelter due to paw problems.
This is a congenital defect, the presence of extra toes on the paws.

He has very big fingers. they look like a second paw.

But many people liked this wonderful cute cat. The woman is not at all upset by the peculiarity of the cat, considering him the best cat in the world.

Thank you. To have an owner like you is happiness for every animal!

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