The amazing dog saved her owner’s life being with him and warming him

It is an unquestionable fact that dogs are the best companion for humans. They are always with them being ready to do all the impossible to help and protect their owners.
One of these incredible creatures was Kesley who proved to be a real guardian for her master who was living alone. The single man Bob had only one companion — kind and caring Kesley who was always there to help him in everything.
One evening, during the Christmas, Bob went out to bring a box from the garden and fell down as he didn’t noticed the icy surface on the ground. His spinal cord was seriously damaged and he couldn’t stand or move. He was shouting for help. And so Kesley was the faithful one who rushed and saw her master lying on the ground and not being able to move.
It was really cold outside so the caring dog was licking Bob’s face and body to keep it from freezing. Meantime she was barking loudly and furiously to warn someone about the condition of her lovely owner. But their house was on the edge of the street so no one could hear the alarming cries. And the pair stayed in the wintry weather for over 20 hours.
The next morning Bob got unconscious but the adorable animal continued to lick him to keep him alive. Finally a neighbor noticed that the man was missing and so heard the barks of the worried dog and called the ambulance for assistance.
Bob was immediately taken to the hospital and got the needed surgery. His ability to walk on his own was visible. Though it could take long and difficult period to recover, the man would be healthy again and could be with his loyal friend.
The doctors were shocked that the man didn’t get frosted spending 20 hours in the snow being asleep. It was Kesley who was with her lovely man warming and keeping him alive. The wonderful creature was a real heroine!