The amazing dog does a kind act by helping wild fawns to be saved

As we feel proud for our best and loyal friends, we can surely consider dogs to be such a faithful companion. They can do wonders to save and protect you and this really admirable.
So one of this great creatures is a Germabn Shepherd Sarge. When he was a little puppy he was not so friendly and sociable. But when he became a grown man he changed completely. Mainly one special case changed his life.
Once his owner Cheryl brought an injured fawn to their house. He was lying on the road in a lonely and poor state. He seemed to be abandoned by his mother, and if there wasn’t Cheryl the helpless creature wouldn’t survive. The sweet dog felt that his fellow needed help. He was looking after him all the time. And due to their help the nice deer recovered. So it was the time for him to be released to the wild.
After that Serge has taken the responsibility to take care of the injured and needed wild animals whom his owner takes their home. He approaches, sniffs and knows their condition. He helps his master to cure and look after them. The adorable Sarge fascinates his owner with his dids. He really appreciates his kind and loyal pet.