The adults did not risk themselves, but this boy was not afraid and helped the dog by entering the ditch

The adults did not risk themselves, but this boy was not afraid and helped the dog by entering the ditch

 The adults did not risk themselves, but this boy was not afraid and helped the dog by entering the ditch

A boy named Alexander performed a real heroic act at the age of 12. He rescued the dog from the gutter, in which the baby almost drowned.

The puppy’s mother gave birth to her cub under the shelter in the downpour. But once a heavy downpour washed one dog into the ditch, but the little one was lucky, Sasha was passing by at that time.

The ditch was too narrow and the boy injured his arm. Passers-by who saw this act promptly went to the ambulance. And Sasha’s act did not go unnoticed.

The fame of the hero began to spread and he became very popular throughout his town. The people are incredibly proud that such a brave boy is growing up in their hometown.

The Youth Center awarded the boy Courage Award. And we are very glad that such children live in our world, which means there are great hopes for a good future. And we also express our gratitude to the parents of little Sasha, who from an early age were able to instill in their son nobility, dedication and love for animals.

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