The adorable pup became a friend and a guide for the blind dog

The sweet dog Charile was 11 years old and lived with his caring family. The lovely animal developed glaucoma and lost his both eyes. So the poor Charlie had to get used to his such condition. He became less active and playful.
But soon his life was changed as an adorable friend and a caring guide appeared near him. His owners brought a sweet pet Maverick who became his best companion and helped him in everything. He made Charile’s life wonderful with his great enthusiasm and liveliness.
Maverick was only a few months old, but he already seemed to understand that his older friend had some limitations and he helped him overcome them. He understood very well that Charlie was special. He would bring him a toy and help him to hold it seeing that Charlie couldn’t immediately find it. And when they went for a walk, Maverick loved to hold Charlie by the leash and guide him.
Maverick also adored to sleep with Charlie in his arms, and more often he would just sit next to him. He seemed to understand that it was very important for an old dog to feel that he was not alone. The clever dog was a huge support and comfort for Charlie in his hard times.
It was amazing. They made such great friends. Charlie was already old and the whole family thought that he would soon leave them. But with the presence of Maverick, his life energy seemed to turn on again.