The adorable kitten chose her own owner and asked to come to his house

The adorable kitten chose her own owner and asked to come to his house

 The adorable kitten chose her own owner and asked to come to his house

The kitten was born on the street. From the first days of her life, a hard fate awaited her. But little Margot took her life into her fluffy paws and decided to find a home herself.

When wandering the streets in search of food, she saw a man and realized that she needed to act.

The skateboarder could not refuse such a beauty. The guy took the box out of his car and took the kitty. First of all, the baby was taken to the clinic where the veterinarian examined her, treated the crumbs from parasites and prescribed nutrition for the emaciated baby.

Also, the inflammation in the upper respiratory tract and an eye infection were discovered. The baby has learned all the complexities of life on the street.

The little eyes looked with confidence and hope and the guy could not leave her at the shelter. The cutie with her delicate behavior simply won his heart.

For several weeks he patiently treated the baby, gave medicine, fed her well, played with her and stroked her. After a while, the baby stopped coughing, her eyes became clear and she got stronger. The fluffy beauty blossomed in love and care.

Now the beauty has become a favorite of the whole family. But Margot loves her savior the most. She faithfully waits for him at home and sleeps in his bed.

Now Margot is happy and loved!

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