The abused pony saved by a kind man and huged him warmly as a sign of gratitude

The abused pony saved by a kind man and huged him warmly as a sign of gratitude

 The abused pony saved by a kind man and huged him warmly as a sign of gratitude

Kirk Hance’s family moved to a little farm with some horses and other animals providing free space for them. And soon they did an incredible act by saving two ponies who were almost to die. They were being sold and the buyers were from the slaughterhouses. But the kind person himself bought them and save their lives.

One of them named Tobias was so neglected and abused. He didn’t show any movement. He avoided any caress or touch. But the next day he changed fully. As he understood that he was rescued and protected he began to hug Kirk as a sign of thankfulness and gratitude. He embraced the man with great love and happiness.

Here is a touching video displaying the lovable moment.

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