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The 12 years old kind boy was forced to take his dog to the shelter for saving him

There are some cases when the sweet animals are thrown away by their cruel owners. And while they just abandon them indifferently, there are the ones who are forced to give up their lovable pets to make their life happier and more comfortable. This story particularly is impressive as our hero is a 12 years old boy who made a torturing choice for himself by bringing his dog to a shelter.
Xollin animal shelter staff noticed a box in front of the door and got shocked discovering a grey dog with a note. The writing was so touching and heartbreaking that it made them be in tears. The 12-year-old owner of the poor dog named Andres had to step like that so that to protect his lovely pet from his father. The barbarous man beat the poor animal. He treated him so harshly that his tail was injured. And now the good-natured boy decided to save his nice creature from his abusive dad. In this way the lovely animal would be in good hands. In his final words he said that he left a toy with his pet so that he never forget his owner.
Everyone was really touched. How could the little human be so caring and loving to his pet that he acted in such a devastating way for himself to rescue his adorable one! The workers took the dog and named him Rene. They posted his sorrowful story on their page and stated that he had to pass a long rehabilitating period before he could be ready for being adopted.
Some weeks after recovery Rene found his forever home. He was taken by a caring and nice family but he surely would never forget his amazing owner who helped him and saved him from a stressful condition.
This sad story shows true love and devotion a little boys felt towards his cute dog. He gave him a chance to have a better and happier life.