Rescued lion cub can’t sleep without his favorite blanket, even though he’s all grown up

All wild animals should be free to roam in the wild, and not kept in captivity in tiny enclosures. But, unfortunately, we are far from this scenario, as countless animals are forced to lead a miserable life away from their natural habitat.
Fortunately, many of them were saved in time thanks to kind and caring animal lovers. One of such kind-hearted people is Vicky Kihi, the founder of
Wildlife Rescue and Education Center In-Sync Exotics. One of the countless animals that Vicky and her dedicated team have saved over the years is Lambert, a beautiful majestic lion.
When rescuers found him in 2014, Lambert was in terrible condition. Hunger made the poor lion cub look more like a weak puppy than the strong lion he was supposed to be. The lion cub was illegally acquired by a heartless man who kept it as a pet, and then decided that he no longer needed a wild animal.
The previous owners illegally purchased it as a pet for their young children.
When Lambert arrived at the rescue center, he was confused and scared, but soon conquered everyone with his behavior. Apparently, the lion cub found solace in a blanket and could not sleep without it. «We heard from the previous owners that he was sleeping in his bed with his grandfather,» Vicky said. «So I brought him a blanket, entered the aviary and put the blanket in one of the corners. He curled up on this blanket and immediately fell asleep. I’ve been giving him a blanket ever since.
Thanks to the efforts of rescuers, Lambert has fully recovered and is now unrecognizable. But despite coming back to life, now an adult lion still lives in the center, as he would not have survived in the wild. Despite being an adult lion now, Lambert still needs a blanket to wrap himself in before going to bed.
«He is the same as any other two-year-old lion: active, playful and full of kindness. You know how you feel about him.»