Chi è questa misteriosa bellezza?: I fan sono sorpresi dal suo aspetto irriconoscibile!
“Proprio come persone completamente diverse”: Come apparirebbero alcuni uomini famosi con una barba completa?

Beards offer numerous benefits for men, such as protecting their skin from harmful UV rays. However, many men choose a clean-shaven look or light stubble, whether for aesthetic reasons or practicality. As a result, we rarely see certain male celebrities with a full beard. Yet, our curiosity led us to imagine how some stars would look with facial hair, and the results were quite surprising.
1. Cristiano Ronaldo
2. Cillian Murphy
3. Tom Holland
4. Jay-Z
5. Joe Jonas
6. Pete Davidson
7. Andrew Scott
8. Taron Egerton
9. John Cho
10. Regé-Jean Page
11. Tom Cruise
12. Mark Zuckerberg
13. Elon Musk