Pitt bulls refuse to be separated for travelling across the world

Recently, Animal Rescue Center was notified about two dogs abandoned in a property in China. Traders were trying to deal with the landlord to get the dogs and sell them to the meat market and here is when Rachel Hinman from the Center stepped in with her team.
One of the rescuers found a very skinny and weak Pitbull mix named Backpack (BP). After which the same team discovered another dog in the group that was very much like Backpack and was named Toad. The landlord luckily agreed to allow the rescuers take all the thirteen dogs he had with them.
Unlike BP, Toad was very active, but both were inseparable in the facilities of the rescue center. They would climb on top of each other, play cheerfully and roll together on the floor. The procedures at the animal rescue center did not allow keeping two dogs together in the same kennel, but they had made an exception for Toad and BP because of their relationship.
Luckily both Toad and BP got adopted together a year later. The team of the rescuers took them to Los Angeles, California. The family who adopted the dogs waited patiently at the LAX airport for them to meet their pets. Jed Ballou had adopted Toad and BP and was very much looking forward to meeting them. He was a bit anxious upon their arrival too. The two dogs jumped on him and started kissing as soon as they realized Jed is going to be their new owner.
Jed was a bit concerned about Backpack because she had been through a lot of stress and needed Toad by her side for her comfort, so Jed decided to let them figure things out on their own.
It took BP much longer to understand humans in comparison with BP. Toad was very shy and never strived to upset anyone whereas BP was just the opposite. She was like a rebellious and active child. She would romp around the house, make everything messy and even chew on Jed’s fingers
Jed loved the two dogs. They were both lovely and tender, considering their past and everything they had gone through. It was such a luck they both met Jed, who understood their situation and never allowed these two to be separated. Good deeds always pay back!