Pet survived a tornado that destroyed their house

As the couple, Bruce and Oona Dunlap, heard on the news of a tornado, suddenly the television cable went out, so they didn’t have time to listen to the important news until the end.
The men opened the door of their home in Logan County, Arkansas, to see what was going on outside. The weather was calm and windless. Bruce immediately informed Oona that there was no tornado at all, but luckily their neighbor, who had managed to watch the rest of the announcement on TV, told them to take shelter immediately.
It was a good thing the couple listened, because within five minutes their house was completely destroyed!
The husband and wife acted quickly. They helped their disabled neighbor move into the storm shelter, and then began searching for their four cats and two dogs. One of the cats, Lady Cow, could not be found, and the dog named Dasha flatly refused to leave the house.
Bruce had to hide in a shelter without his two pets… There was no time to wait! The man barely had time to slam the door to the shelter before the tornado hit the house. Within seconds the roof was gone and the family’s belongings were scattered all around.
The next day, the couple went to the ruins and began inspecting what was left of the house. By the way, they had already mourned their two pets, not counting on either to survive. No sooner had the family looked around the house than the furry face of their dog, Dasha, showed up from the rubble, rushing happily toward her owners!
Bruce’s wife grabbed her pet and hugged her tightly, in tears apologizing to her for having to leave her.
Soon the cat came out of the wreckage! Drenched and shivering from the cold, Ladybug also ran to meet her owners.