People rescued a deer that wore a 5-kilogram tire around its neck for 2 years

People rescued a deer that wore a 5-kilogram tire around its neck for 2 years

 People rescued a deer that wore a 5-kilogram tire around its neck for 2 years

In 2021 the American keepers, along with the Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) team from Colorado, managed to save a deer wearing a tire around its neck. For two years, efforts were made to free this four-year-old male elk from the neck “decoration”.

In 2019, when national park officials were investigating mountain goats, they first spotted a deer with a tire around its neck. It is still mysterious how the tire appeared on his neck. At that time, animal rights activists did not have the necessary equipment to catch a deer and they could not help him.

They started to pursue the deer by putting cameras. Rescuers repeatedly went out to search for him, but the animal avoided people and immediately ran away when he saw them.

Eventually the guardians succeded.They managed to chaze and catch the poor deer. The expedition lasted a week. Only on the fourth attempt was it possible to put the animal to sleep with a tranquilizer. Then Animal advocates immediately began to pull out his «necklace».

The tire was heavy and stuffed with various cones and other things. It was quite difficult for the deer to carry such a load on himself. Under it, the deer had a wound on his neck, so the rangers had to cut off the antlers, remove the tire and treat the wound. After the procedure the deer was in excellent shape and immediately after waking up ran away from people.

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