Mother otter keeps her newborn baby dry while swimming

The animal kingdom often offers touching scenes. These special moments are meant to brighten our days and are hard to match. This adorable sighting shows an otter mother and her tiny pup spending time together. Wildlife photographer Susie Esterhas captured the couple on camera and the result is simply adorable!
This caring otter mother has found the sweetest way to keep her newborn baby dry. The couple was swimming in Monterey Bay, California when Esterhas spotted them. The adorable otter pup appears to be sleeping, while the mother gently wears it on her stomach. So the child does not get wet.
The devoted mom then blew air into her baby’s fur to help keep him afloat while he searched for food. Esterhas, a 40-year-old California photographer, was surprised to see a pair of otters get so close to where she was standing. But luckily, she has the perfect opportunity to take some great shots with this couple.
“Most sea otter mothers are quite shy with their pups, but this mother is very used to people and she was very relaxed as she lovingly raised her pup in a busy harbor,” Esterhas said. “Sometimes she would swim right up to the dock and leave her puppy floating on the surface of the water right in front of me while she searched for food.”
Even though she had been watching otters for a long time, Esterhas was so impressed by this moment!
“At that moment, I felt like a babysitter,” she said. “It was amazing and also really showed how vulnerable and trusting wild animals can be!”