Meet the Indian Giant Malabar Squirrel

Professional John, for the first time, saw a Malagar or Indian huge squirrel.
The animal was so huge that at first, he thought it was not a squirrel.
But not only the size struck him. Malabar has a very unique fur coloration.
Their fur can come in a variety of colors such as black, brown, orange, maroon, and purple.
Their diet includes fruits, flowers, nuts, and tree bark. But some subspecies can also eat insects and bird eggs.
These squirrels hardly walk on the ground, it enjoys the canopy of the forest in the branches of trees, jumping from place to place with jumps of more than 20 feet.
Fortunately, these creatures do not endanger, but they should be protected so they do not become extinct.
The chances of seeing these unique creatures are slim. You must go to either eastern or southern India to see them.
However, it is worth seeing them, as they are very different from the eastern gray squirrels and other squirrels that we are used to seeing before.