Man weeps, reunited with dog he had to give up when he became homeless

If you love your dogs you do everything for them, even if it means fostering them to have a better life. That’s exactly what a Florida man did when he fell on hard times and unfortunately found himself homeless. Dakota was his friend, but he knew that life on the streets was no life for a dog. He could no longer afford to feed her, so he made the sacrifice.
He entrusted his little girl to the Tampa Bay Humane Society shelter, in hopes she would find a better life there. Although this story sounds depressing, it all happened for a reason.
The Humane Society received a report from Dakota’s father, who, in the short time Dakota was at the shelter, was able to improve his life. He found a job, a home, and called the shelter, hoping Dakota was still there. Part of him expected that she had already been adopted, but when he discovered she was still there, he knew it was meant to be.
The Humane Society has defined a time when a person can be reunited with their pets, and that time couldn’t have been sweeter.
When they brought the dog to her dad, she screamed with joy and threw herself into his arms. The young man was so overwhelmed with joy that he began to cry. It was a very moving scene.
The couple took a photo togehter, showing the two being extremely happy.