Mama bear and her 2 babies go for swim in California in the middle of the day

One day the water temperature in South Lake Tahoe reached a blazing 30°C (86°F), and with the bears having to walk around in their fur coats all day, it’s clear why this particular family decided to take a swim.
Jen Watkins, who was in Pope Beach at the time of the unusual event, captured on camera a huge mother bear and her 3 children.
Jen told KCRA News that her child first noticed the mother bear when she confronted another four-legged beach guest.
She said: «I think (the mother bear) was coming out earlier … She got a little unfriendly, protecting the golden retriever cubs.»
Fortunately, neither the dog nor the cubs were hurt during the confrontation, and the mother went on to plan a picnic for her family, stealing sandwich meat and a cooler from the people and moving them into the woods.
After lunch, the family returned to the water, where the cubs were seen swimming in the lake while shocked onlookers watched from the sidelines.
Jen explained, «We were all a little shocked.»
In accordance to Newsweek, the black bear family found in Pope Beach is only one of 25,000-35,000 individuals in California, with North and South Lake Tahoe residents reporting an increase in sightings in recent years.
Although the mother bear did not harm anyone during her visit to Pope Beach, Lt. Nelson Resendez of the Placer County Sheriff’s Office warned that these animals can be «very dangerous.
We’re in their territory when we’re in the foothills and the Sierra (Nevada),» he said.
«Don’t feed them, don’t lure them, don’t provoke them and, obviously, in that environment don’t approach them … Respect their space.»