Little kitten nicknamed Grandpa conquers the Net

At the very first visit to the veterinarian, the owners were dumbfounded, the baby will not live, it is better to euthanize him immediately so that he does not suffer, the doctor said.
The owners refused, because if we destroy everyone who was born not as they should, then soon there will be no one left on the planet.
People turned to the volunteer organization Stray Cat Alliance. Two serious diseases were revealed in the place of the baby — this is a cleft in the sky, because of which he cannot eat. Such pathology is eliminated surgically, but for this operation, the kitten must gain weight, and he cannot gain it, because he cannot eat. And the second problem is the irregular shape of the paw due to twisted tendons. They can also be corrected, but this needs to be worked on.
Due to the characteristic appearance of the kitten, they are called Grandpa. Volunteers told the owners how to take care of the baby so that in the future he would live a normal life.
So, the baby needs to be fed every two hours through a special probe, and massage the paws at the same interval so that the tendons are stretched.
This is the schedule for several weeks ahead. But the other day, Grandpa opened his eyes, which made his owners very happy and gave him hope that they are trying not in vain.
Ahead of the crumbs are several operations, a difficult rehabilitation course, and a happy cat life later. And all thanks to the people who did not give up and decided to fight for such a small, but still life.