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Labrador named fred adopts his third group of orphaned ducklings

A bunch of tiny ducks discover an improbable but skilled foster father, Fred, a Labrador.
He is an expereinced duck parent. A couple of years ago, the dog, became a foster dad to 9 orphaned ducklings. And a year later, he took in one more bunch of orphaned ducklings.
Now, the big dog is the father of a new feathered pup.
Fred’s owner said he found 15 ducklings on the castle grounds. According to him, their mother had been weirdly vanished. The man was surprised when his 15-year-old dog befriended the orphaned poor things. The owner joked that the Labrador had taken custody of them.

«These babies got used to Fred in a few days. Now they are inseparable, sleeping side by side, and Fred even goes swimming with them. The ducklings are getting cocky: they chase him, don’t let him pass, climb on his head and roll on his back,» laughs Jeremy. But the Labrador doesn’t seem to mind.
The babies will live with their dog dad until they are strong enuogh to pull through their own.