Kind woman gives elderly possum a place to stay in her garage
Even though possums aren’t commonly the first thing you imagine when you think of cute animals, they do have their charm, too.
“This is Hank,” wrote Reddit user damndirtycracker. “Hank lives in my aunt’s garage. He’s very old and has a hard time walking so she set up a warm place for him to rest and feeds him lots of treats.”
While many people try hard to get possums out of their garage, his aunt has taken Hank in. She has a big roomy garage and the creature has his own space. He is allowed to come and go whenever he wants.
This relationship has been going on since Hank showed up a few years ago, and he seems pretty happy to have a place to stay and eat cat food.
As he’s grown older, he stuck around longer until he came to a decision he was going to establish in the garage.”
Possums have short lifespans and can be a little waspish. Hank is already a couple of years old.
Many commenters on the Reddit post said that they unexpectedly fell in love with the animal after seeing the photo of him curled up in the garage.