Kind-hearted woman saved the tiny kiiten and took care of him

Kind-hearted woman saved the tiny kiiten and took care of him

 Kind-hearted woman saved the tiny kiiten and took care of him

The warm-hearted woman named Kathleen gound the tiny kitten in a horrible state. He was suffering from hunger and was overspread with grubs.

The woman loved him from the first and immediately took him to vet. It was evident that the poor creature needed treatment. The vet gave him some medication and removed his maggots.

Kathleen realised that the loving animal needed home and took him to her house without hesitating. Then she began to look after him, fed him, did the important treatment. After two weeks the kitten gradually became better and was slowly recovering.

Some times later the tiny kitten turned active and energetic. He was well cared and felt happy. The sweet kitty was named Dizzy.

After 5 years Dizzy changed a lot. Now he is lively, cheerful and strong. He lives in a warm and caring atmosphere. He has also another companion — an adorable cat, with whom they are best friends.


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