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Jealous dog feigned injury after brother injured his paw

Until Mabel was 3 years old, she lived a happy life as a single dog. Then her parents decided to spoil everything by giving her a younger brother.
she had to share her parents’ love and attention with her Goldendoodle puppy. Mabel’s mom tries to give them equal amounts of love and attention so that none of the siblings get jealous, but it doesn’t always work out that way.
“Mabel is even jealous of the cat,” she added. “He needed drops for his ears, and she also sat and waited for her“ drops.
Like most siblings, they play hard, fight hard, and love hard.
Last week the puppies went out for one of the walks when Milo had an accident.
«We were driving back to the house and the dogs had a typical ‘fight on the run’ and when they stopped I saw blood on the snow.» «I realized it was Milo…then I realized it was coming from one of his legs.»
He found a small cut on Milo’s paw and rushed to the vet for supplies. She didn’t seem overly concerned about her little brother’s injury until she noticed that it was bringing him extra attention from her mom.
He knew that there was only one thing that would satisfy Mabel.
“I ripped open the empty gauze pad wrapper so she would think I was putting a gauze pad on her and pretended to put it on, then wrapped a small veterinary bandage around her leg, kissed her on the head, and told her that was it. in order. «She seemed quite satisfied, got up, and went on her way.»
Milo is feeling much better and his paw is healing quickly. He continues to bandage his leg and makes sure to change the bandage every night. But if Milo gets a new bandage, his sister will need «treatment» from her mom too.