Husband made Woman Choose Between Him and 30 Dogs

It is true that for some people, their pets are just like their own kids. But what if they are not one, or two, or even three, yet thirty of them?
Lis Haslam has a sweet spot for dogs, especially bull terriers. She has provided 30 rescued terriers with half an acre of land, which was previously used for boarding kennel business and was attached to the house where she was living with her husband.
Her hobby of saving abandoned dogs or ones with behavioral problems developed into opening an organization in Barnham, Suffolk, named Beds for Bullies.
Each and every one of these puppies is special to Liz. That’s why she spends more than 18 hours a day taking care of them. She divides her day between taking them out for walks, feeding them, taking some of them to the vet’s clinic, and spending her own money on their treatment.
Her husband Arthur could not take it anymore. He pushed an ultimatum; either him or the dogs. The 25 years of a loving marriage and mutual son will no longer be able to stop him from separating.
The woman made her decision for the benefit of the dogs. They made her happy, and if she is not there to look after them, who is?
She said, «I haven’t seen or heard from him since. I thought after 25 years. He should know giving up the dogs was not what my intentions were.»
«He’d got to the point where he’d had enough and wanted to slow down. But I wasn’t prepared to give it up. So he decided to go,» she added.
The couple met when Liz was just in her sweet six-teens. They got married in January 1991. She was absolutely sure she was getting married to the love her love. It will never cross her mind that everything will have a such end.
But she stays positive after it. She may have lost her husband, but she still has 30 loves that are staying with her.