How the giant turtle with a crack on his shell was saved in San Diego

The African spurred tortoise (Geochelone sulcata) is a very large land reptile and is the biggest of the African land tortoises. Such kind of huge turtles live in central Africa, but a wounded one was suddenly noticed in the suburbs of San Diego. It was possibly someone’s pet and he managed to escape into the wild. But the turtle was not lucky in the wild, a dog attacked it with barking, and during the fright the turtle backed away and fell from a height of 10 meters, severely splitting its shell.
A local resident saw this terrible scene and called «County Animal Services». Service specialists, having examined the injured turtle in the clinic, found out that its shell was cracked in three places, and also that it was a male, who is 35-40 years old.
The turtle was given the nickname Humpty Dumpty (Humpty Dumpty). First, the cracked tortoise shell was reinforced with screws and wire, and then a special paste, epoxy resin was added to the cracks and wrapped with an elastic film.
Now the adorable turtle has to pass a long recovery period. The sweet creature feels healthy and calm now. The owner of the turtle has not yet been found. But we sure that he will appear and the lovely animal will return to his warm place as soon as he finished his healing process.