How do these Siamese twins live now, who were separated at 4 years old!

How do these Siamese twins live now, who were separated at 4 years old!

 How do these Siamese twins live now, who were separated at 4 years old!

In 2002, the birth of the two girls Kendra and Malia brought a lot of joy to the family of Jake and Erin Herrin. This adorable day aroused two contrary feelings: the lovely babies were Siamese twins. The couple was really delighted about the birth of their daughters but they also were so anxious about theur future.

The inseparabel twins lived as a one soul and body. but their parents wanted them to have their own selves so they decided to part them at the age of 4. The girls were only with two legs and each one was controlled by one of them. It was really hard for the two babies to move with one leg but they gradually gor adapted to it.

31 doctors were involved in the operation process. Soon this rare condition of the girls became in the center of the social media’s attention and they became little celebrities.

After that harsh times the two sisters could overcome the whole difficulties and live as normal people. They have become a wonderful example among their peers with their strong will and hope for the future. They have proved that there are no insurmountable situations. They are considered to be real heroines.

Now the twins are 18. They live their full life. They have pages on social networks where they post the interesting moments of their life encouraging and supporting people to admit them how they are and feel great with their »defects».

It is really wonderful to follow their daily life and admire their will and strength to reach their perfect life.

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