Homeless boy reunited with his lovely dog after they both found a home

Homeless boy reunited with his lovely dog after they both found a home

 Homeless boy reunited with his lovely dog after they both found  a home

Here is an extremely touching story that will make you be in tears. It is about a homeless guy who had a nice dog. He couldn’t keep him anymore and decided to take him to a shelter. When he entered there the administrator of the center Kris Robinson noticed that there was a strong bond between the two and that the boy didn’t want to leave his best friend there but he had to do. He was living under the bridge at the moment and he wanted to be sure that his wonderful dogie called Jada had a safe place and was protected.

It was a really heartbraking scene to see how they departed. Jada didn’t let her owner anywhere. She clung to him tightly and hold his leg. The young man left a bag with dog food and when leaving the woman noticed the boy swept his tears. The dog climed on a chair and was looking him going away and she was devastated.

Robinson was shocked. She didn’t know what to do and how to calm the poor dog. She did her best to provide everithing she needed. But Jada only wanted to be with her close one.

Robinson decided to share a story of a sweet boy on her Facebook page hoping that kind people will respond it. So the result was really pleasurable. Soon an incredible family was found who was ready to house the homeless boy and his amazing pet.

Robinson contacted with the boy and told the long-waited news. It was astonishing for the guy and he immediately rushed to his friend. Their meeting was something unbelievable. Jada instantly run to him and huged him warmly. It was evident that she missed her lovable companion. The reunion was nothing but thrilling.

Now the two inseparable creatures live in a safe place with the caring family. The boy is studying for admitting the university. And the sweet dog is happy to be with her best one.

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