Great Dane Freddie holds two world records. And from his pictures it's easy to guess at least one thing

Great Dane Freddie holds two world records. And from his pictures it’s easy to guess at least one thing

 Great Dane Freddie holds two world records. And from his pictures it’s easy to guess at least one thing

This is Freddie the Great Dane and officially the tallest dog in the world.

Freddie from the English village of Whiting managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records in two different categories. He is so cool and majestic!

He is so famous that he even has his own Wikipedia page.

The parameters of the dog are impressive: about 90 kg of weight and 213 cm on the hind legs.


However, Freddy’s decisive indicator is his height in a position on 4 paws.

The distance from the ground to the back of the big man is 103.5 cm! This is the official Guinness World Record.

In 2018 Freddy became 8 years old. And it turned out that this is also a record. At least there is no record in the Guinness Book of an older Great Dane living today.

In general, the life expectancy of Great Danes, unfortunately, is only 8-10 years, but there are probably many older representatives of this breed in the world. So the second record, owned by Freddie, is rather formal.

But this in no way reduces the coolness of the dog!

The record holder and his sister Fleur live in the village.

As a child, Freddie was a little smaller than his sister, but then gained momentum.

He loves his grandmother very much, his mistress Claire and in general everyone.

He is a somewhat spoiled guy, his mistress says that she cannot refuse him practically anything (except that it can harm his health).

He is so adorable! We hope that he will live long and joyful.


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