Golden mouse has the lush locks many women dream of

Mice are fascinating. It’s clear why a lot of people are doubtful of wild mice that burrow into closets, and are unhygienic, but house mice are lovely. They come in variuos shades, including lilac, cinnamon, red, silver etc.
These adorable animals inhabit mostly forested areas. Specimens were picked on dark, wooded slopes where mice were hiding in thickets of vines.
They make their nests of grass or leaves and lined with crushed plant fibres or feathers; nests range in size from small ball-sized nests to huge common nests 20-30 cm in diameter that can room about a dozen mice. 8 individuals, all males, were found in one such nest.
During fieldwork in the late 1970s, golden mice were often caught in the forest habitats of the preserve. However, few specimens of this mouse have been caught in east Texas over the past few decades.
The IUCN lists the this mouse as a Least Concern species, and it does not appear on federal or state lists.