Girl invites a mouse to a tiny picnic

Brighid Rose was visiting her parents when she found out that there was a different kind of guest there, too.
It was a tiny mouse looking for food in the cupboards. The girl’s parents wanted it gone. Nevertheless, after noticing the tiny creature while she was in the house, she made a decision to take a softer approach.
She picked it up and took it into the field behind their house.
But she actually did more than that.
Moving the tiny animal safely out of the house would have been commendable enough. But the girl was intended to go one step further.
She didn’t feel comfortable leaving him out there in the field, especially since he must have been used to eating all that human food in her parents’ closet. So she organized a little farewell picnic.
Brighid laid a napkin as a picnic blanket and spread out the food. The mouse liked everything.
He allowed her to sit next to him for over an hour. He seemed truly happy.
After a while, the muose discovered a cozy place nearby to take shelter. Before returning to the house, Brighid left him some more snacks.