Fun-loving dog rides his favorite horse friend every day

Robin the barn dog loved to ride his friend Teddy. He liked it so much that he didn’t want to get down. Instead, he stayed on him and refused to get off. Emily, the mother of these two innocent furry animals, had never met a dog who so genuinely loved to ride a horse.
Every day Robin asked Emily to take him to Teddy’s. He was very happy to see his friend and would run to her. Whether it was cold or warm, the sweet dog had to meet his horse friend.
He would run up to the gate of Teddy’s stall, and the beautiful horse would stand in the field waiting for his dog friend. There was a beautiful relationship between them that could not be expressed in words.
As soon as Robin realized it was time to get into the saddle, he jumped happily to his feet. As soon as Emily got on the horse, the sweet dog jumped on Teddy. He was thrilled at the opportunity to ride his friend’s horse.
Their friendship was very important to both animals. The two had known each other since their first day on the farm. Their favorite pastime was playing catch-up together.
Robin was very competitive. He tried to be the leader most of the time when they went for walks. However, once Teddy started running, the poor dog had a hard time catching up with the horse. Emily had fun watching Robin play catch-up. They were always together and up to something.
Recently, Emily discovered that they had run out of carrots. The smart hostess decided to check what was wrong. She set up her phone and stepped away, but discovered that Robin, Teddy, and another of her pet dogs were stealing carrots. It was pure joy for Emily to watch them grow and develop together. She knew they were a happy little trio, living their best lives.