For more than 10 hours, the elephant dug without rest in order to pull something out of the mud

For more than 10 hours, the elephant dug without rest in order to pull something out of the mud

 For more than 10 hours, the elephant dug without rest in order to pull something out of the mud

The inhabitants of a small village noticed that an elephant living next to them was digging a hole. At first, they didn’t pay much attention to it, since it’s a habitual action for this type of animal. However, when the elephant began to dig for 10 hours without rest, and her herd significantly moved away during that time the people began to understand that something unusual was happening.

Generally, elephants need to regularly take dust and mud baths to avoid sunburn. But this elephant was doing such an odd thing.

The population decided to distract the elephant from this process and put a lot of their favorite food on the cart thinking she needed food. But she did not even look at the it, only dug with her last strength.Then people decided to wait, because they did not understand anything. The elephant no longer had the strength, she fell off her feet, but just as quickly got up, ready to do it to the end at all costs.

Then people came closer to the pit and saw a baby elephant that fell into the pit. The mother all this time tried to get the cub, but only interfered, throwing more dirt into the pit with her trunk. The residents realized that there was little time, it was necessary to act quickly.

It was necessary to remove all the sand that the mother poured there, not understanding. Eleven hours later, thanks to the help of people, the elephant pulled out her very frightened baby elephant. She was finally able to rest after so many hours of overwork!

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