Fat Wilford weighs as much as three cats, and his belly is charming, like himself - and people are delighted with him!

Fat Wilford weighs as much as three cats, and his belly is charming, like himself — and people are delighted with him!

 Fat Wilford weighs as much as three cats, and his belly is charming, like himself — and people are delighted with him!

A cat named Wilford weighs 12.7 kilograms — according to the calculations of his temporary owners, this is almost like three cats! He happily chases toys and other little things with his paw and waits for a permanent home to be found for him.

The cat had to leave his old house because the owner could no longer take care of him

Then the eight-year-old Wilford was taken to overexposure

Now the cat is being helped to lose weight — after all, it weighs 12.7 kilograms

During the examination by veterinarians, the cat was found to have other sores that also need to be treated. In order for Wilford to lose weight, he is satisfied with a little physical activity.

According to the temporary owners of Wilford, he is very playful — although his set of movements is limited due to his body weight. Now fat Wilford is looking for a new home where he would feel at ease.

Wilford lives in foster care in a house where there are other cats, and this makes him a little nervous. His temporary owners hope that a new home will be found for this big boy as soon as possible, in which he will be groomed and cherished — but within the normal range!

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