Susan Sarandon, 78 anni, criticata per il suo outfit: la sua risposta perfetta!
Fantastic friendship exists between sweet cat and tender horse

Jennifer Boyle lately shared the story of her 2 pets, a horse named Champy and a cat named Morris, who became inseparable. In spite of the obvious difference, the 2 creatures like each other and bond closely.
For 7 years now, Champy and Morris have been closest freinds. They are perhaps the most incredible best friends on the planet.
Jennifer found Morris at a shelter and decided to take him in. Champy instantly fell in love with the cat and insisted on being his best buddy. Morris was also excited to meet Champy and quickly accepted this special friend.
Morris likes to play with Champy and often jumps on his back to get to know everything around him. Of course, Champy enjoys riding his feline friend around the pen. It has become their morning ritual.
Morris often hops on his «bus stop.»
Morris waits for his favorite bus, Champy, at several different bus stops.
If Champy sees Morris waiting at a bus stop, he approaches him to hop aboard.
Morris often greets Champy before jumping on his back.
This is their favorite place to relax and have a lazy time.
They like to snuggle with each other.