Every year this stork flies thousands of miles to see his wounded lover

Every year this stork flies thousands of miles to see his wounded lover

 Every year this stork flies thousands of miles to see his wounded lover

This stork shows incredible devotion and affection and is a good example for many people. He loves his soul mate so much that for two decades now he has been flying more than eight thousand kilometers every spring to reunite with his wounded friend of life.

A stork named Klepetan by such behavior proves that there is no deeper and more powerful force in this life than love. And this story began back in 1993, when Klepetan’s life partner, Malena, was injured by a hunter and she could not fly due to injury.

In the Croatian village where this story took place, Stepan Vokin, a school teacher, picked up a female stork, took her out and cured her wing. He also made a nest for her on the roof of his own house and since then Stepan has witnessed this incredibly touching love story.

While the stork spends the winter in South Africa, Malegna spends the cold season with her savior, who made sure she was warm and comfortable and who considers her his pet and family member in general.

Every season they give birth to chicks and raise them together, and by winter the stork again flies to Africa with his flock. Moreover, Klepetan can also break the record of a long-lived stork, since before that the oldest registered stork was 39 years old.

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